AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people over 50. They are dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. They also lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service.

Helps thousands every day to find programs for people ages 55 and over that may pay for some of their costs of prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential items or services.

Five Wishes – There are many things in life that are out of our control. This five wishes document gives you a way to control something very important – How you are treated if you get seriously ill. It is an easy-to and properly signed is valid under the law of most states.

LogMeIn is the fast, easy and secure way to access your PC or MAC from any web browser or wireless device in real time.

Be Red Cross Ready: Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.
The Red Cross provides information to make sure you are prepared for potential disasters and other emergencies.

Social Security Administration: Apply or get information regarding Retirement, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, Survivors and SSI benefits.

FTC.GOV is a great resource for identity theft. Their mission is to protect consumers and competition by preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity.

Free household budget spreadsheets, compliments of Bob Lotich of ChristianPF.com

Vital documents such as, birth, death, marriage or divorce certificates and documents can be obtained by selecting the state in which the event occurred.